2024 Awardees
Four pilot projects were funded during the 2023 Pilot Project Program cycle.
Alyssa Shiel (OSU): Evaluation of soil lead levels and sources in older urban residential Portland neighborhoods.
Andrew Annalora (OSU): Epi-transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Xenobiotic-induced Alternative Gene Splicing in a 3D Rat Liver Hepatocyte model.
Jamie DeWitt (OSU): PFAS in everyday consumer products as a source of exposure for Oregonians.
Siva Kolluri & David Hendrix (OSU): Consequences and molecular mechanisms of blue light exposure.
Perry Hystad (OSU): Cleaner Air and Heat Relief: A Multifaceted Evaluation of Oregon’s Air Filter and AC Device Deployment and Its Health Impacts on Vulnerable Populations.
2023 Awardees
Four pilot projects were funded during the 2023 Pilot Project Program cycle.
Kim Anderson Asst Prof Senior Research at OSU: Effects of train derailment combustion products on dog chemical exposures and health/cancer rate outcomes.
Arup Indra Professor at OSU: Non-calcemic vitamin D-hydroxyderivative 20(OH)D3 as preventive agent against UV induced DNA damage and spontaneous melanoma.
Siva Kolluri Professor at OSU: New Determinants of TCDD Signaling.
Lew Semprini Distinguished Professor at OSU: Cometabolic Treatment of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane in Hydrogel Beads and the Evaluation of Toxicity Reduction Using Embryonic Zebrafish Assays.
2022 Awardees
Five pilot projects were funded during the 2022 Pilot Project Program cycle.
Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo Asst Prof at OSU: Identification and Evaluation of Toxic Contaminant Mixtures in Surface Water from the Portland Harbor Superfund Site Using Effect-Directed Analysis Coupled to Non-target High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry.
Karen Guillemin Prof at UO: Modulation of tissue iron by microbiota, inflammation, and environmental exposures.
Veronica Irvin Assoc Prof at OSU: Development of a treatment decision aid for home environmental contaminants using a mobile approach.
Diana Rohlman Asst Prof Senior Research at OSU: Wildfire Smoke and Infant Health.
Susan Tilton Assoc Professor at OSU: Development of a 3D respiratory co-culture model for assessing toxicity to chemicals from wildfire smoke.
2021 Awardees
Six pilot projects were funded during the 2021 Pilot Project Program cycle.
Andrew Annalora Asst Prof at OSU: Novel Mechanisms of CYP1B1 Regulation by Exosomes: Implications for Vascular Development, Wound Repair and Environmental Disease
Juliane Fry Assoc Prof at Reed College: Expanding, Analyzing, and Translating Portland Particulate Matter Monitoring Data.
Seth O'Neal Asst Prof at OHSU: Planning a birth cohort in Peru to evaluate chronic environmental exposure to mixed heavy metals on hemoglobin levels, birth outcomes, and infant and child development
Lew Semprini Dist Prof at OSU: Development of a Rapid Test for the Cometabolic Treatment of Legacy and Emerging Contaminants Using Co-encapsulated Hydrogels and Embryonic Zebrafish
Tom Sharpton Assoc Prof at OSU: The Exposure, Microbiome, and Cognition Cohort (EMC2) Study
Caren Weinhouse Asst Prof at OHSU: Identifying epigenetic drivers of pollution-induced cellular defense system gene expression
2020 Awardees
Four pilot projects were funded during the 2020 Pilot Project Program cycle.
Perry Hystad Assoc Prof at OSU: Personal PAH and Chemical Mixture Exposure Measurements Using Silicone Wristbands: Application to the Global PURE-AIR study; Measure exposure to chemical mixtures among participants in the PURE-AIR cohort, n existing longitudinal cohort assessing the cardiovascular health effects of air pollution.
Huaping Liu Professor at OSU: Systems level understanding of health effects of high-band radiofrequency radiations (RFRs); Design new experimental conditions that can examine the health effects of high band radiofrequency radiation that are emitted by 5G technology.
Diana Rohlman Assist Prof Senior Research at OSU: West Eugene Air Toxics Exposure Study; Community-based project in collaboration with Beyond Toxics to measure air toxic exposures in a predominantly low income, Hispanic community that is located in close proximity to many industrial air pollution sources.
Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg Professor at UO: Missing links in characterization of viral aerosols and indoor transmission risks; Characterize viral aerosol indoor transmission risks as a timely response to improve understanding of ventilation and other built environmental factors to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the indoor environment.