In early 2020,Community Engagement Core Dr. Diana Rohlman initiated a collaborative research project with Beyond Toxics, an environmental justice organization represented by Executive Director Lisa Arkin. Their partnership aimed to address environmental health concerns in West Eugene, Oregon, focusing on a community impacted by industrial emissions.
Dr. Rohlman and Beyond Toxics had previously worked together on examining asthma prevalence in the area, drawing attention to its correlation with industrial pollution. The project centered on a wood-preservative facility in West Eugene, known for its history of groundwater contamination due to the use of pentachlorophenol, which was later replaced with creosote and other chemicals. The area in which the facility was located had been the subject of community odor complaints over the years, highlighting the need for an environmental investigation.
Arkin and Rohlman proposed a pilot project study to the Pacific Northwest Center for Translational Environmental Health Research, which was approved for funding. The research involved the Center’s Community Engagement Core, led by Dr. Rohlman, and the Chemical Exposures Core, led by Dr. Kim Anderson. Their approach included the use of stationary passive samplers and silicone passive sampling wristbands to detect PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in the vicinity of the pollution source. These chemicals are a major component of creosote.
Samplers were placed in concentric circles at varying distances from the facility, based on community odor complaints. Community engagement was paramount. Residents were actively involved in the sampling process, ensuring not only the collection of critical data but also fostering a sense of ownership and participation among the community members.
Once sampling was completed, the results from the wristband and stationary samplers was reported back to the study participants and the community. Broadly, the results showed that levels of PAHs were highest within a quarter mile of the area, and dropped farther away from the facility.
Through this project, Rohlman was invited to join a new Technical Team, led by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and both Rohlman and Arkin joined the accompanying Community Core team.
The Technical Team shares agency priorities, project updates, and data and monitoring information which has helped to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of agency actions. The team was convened as a cross-agency group which includes the DEQ, Oregon Health Authority, Lane Regional Air Protection Agency, and the City of Eugene. They also work together to provide information to the community. The Community Core includes members of the Technical Team, as well as members of Beyond Toxics, the Active Bethel Community group, and other concerned residents.
These teams embody the spirit of collaborative action, with Rohlman bringing her toxicology and community engagement expertise to both. This cooperative approach underscored the importance of partnership in addressing environmental health issues.
This strong community involvement and the collaboration with the Technical and Community Core teams led to the development of key initiatives like a comprehensive StoryMap detailing the project outcomes, and supporting the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon State Cancer Registry in conducting a cancer assessment. The collaboration between agencies, academia, and community is unprecedented, and a landmark example of how collaboration can lead to meaningful environmental health assessments and interventions.
This effort is ongoing. With the involvement of the Environmental Protection Agency's Region 10 office, the initiative has continued to evolve, reflecting an exemplary model of community-engaged research.