2024 Awardees

Four pilot projects were funded during the 2023 Pilot Project Program cycle.

  • Alyssa Shiel (OSU): Evaluation of soil lead levels and sources in older urban residential Portland neighborhoods.

  • Andrew Annalora (OSU): Epi-transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Xenobiotic-induced Alternative Gene Splicing in a 3D Rat Liver Hepatocyte model.

  • Jamie DeWitt (OSU): PFAS in everyday consumer products as a source of exposure for Oregonians.

  • Siva Kolluri & David Hendrix (OSU): Consequences and molecular mechanisms of blue light exposure.

2023 Awardees

Four pilot projects were funded during the 2023 Pilot Project Program cycle.

  • Kim Anderson Asst Prof Senior Research at OSU: Effects of train derailment combustion products on dog chemical exposures and health/cancer rate outcomes.
  • Arup Indra Professor at OSU: Non-calcemic vitamin D-hydroxyderivative 20(OH)D3 as preventive agent against UV induced DNA damage and spontaneous melanoma.
  • Siva Kolluri Professor at OSU: New Determinants of TCDD Signaling.
  • Lew Semprini Distinguished Professor at OSU: Cometabolic Treatment of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane in Hydrogel Beads and the Evaluation of Toxicity Reduction Using Embryonic Zebrafish Assays.

2022 Awardees

Five pilot projects were funded during the 2022 Pilot Project Program cycle.

  • Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo Asst Prof at OSU: Identification and Evaluation of Toxic Contaminant Mixtures in Surface Water from the Portland Harbor Superfund Site Using Effect-Directed Analysis Coupled to Non-target High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry.
  • Karen Guillemin Prof at UO: Modulation of tissue iron by microbiota, inflammation, and environmental exposures.
  • Veronica Irvin Assoc Prof at OSU: Development of a treatment decision aid for home environmental contaminants using a mobile approach.
  • Diana Rohlman Asst Prof Senior Research at OSU: Wildfire Smoke and Infant Health.
  • Susan Tilton Assoc Professor at OSU: Development of a 3D respiratory co-culture model for assessing toxicity to chemicals from wildfire smoke.

2021 Awardees

Six pilot projects were funded during the 2021 Pilot Project Program cycle.

  • Andrew Annalora Asst Prof at OSU: Novel Mechanisms of CYP1B1 Regulation by Exosomes: Implications for Vascular Development, Wound Repair and Environmental Disease
  • Juliane Fry Assoc Prof at Reed College: Expanding, Analyzing, and Translating Portland Particulate Matter Monitoring Data.
  • Seth O'Neal Asst Prof at OHSU: Planning a birth cohort in Peru to evaluate chronic environmental exposure to mixed heavy metals on hemoglobin levels, birth outcomes, and infant and child development
  • Lew Semprini Dist Prof at OSU: Development of a Rapid Test for the Cometabolic Treatment of Legacy and Emerging Contaminants Using Co-encapsulated Hydrogels and Embryonic Zebrafish
  • Tom Sharpton Assoc Prof at OSU: The Exposure, Microbiome, and Cognition Cohort (EMC2) Study
  • Caren Weinhouse Asst Prof at OHSU: Identifying epigenetic drivers of pollution-induced cellular defense system gene expression

2020 Awardees

Four pilot projects were funded during the 2020 Pilot Project Program cycle.

  • Perry Hystad Assoc Prof at OSU: Personal PAH and Chemical Mixture Exposure Measurements Using Silicone Wristbands: Application to the Global PURE-AIR study; Measure exposure to chemical mixtures among participants in the PURE-AIR cohort, n existing longitudinal cohort assessing the cardiovascular health effects of air pollution.
  • Huaping Liu Professor at OSU: Systems level understanding of health effects of high-band radiofrequency radiations (RFRs); Design new experimental conditions that can examine the health effects of high band radiofrequency radiation that are emitted by 5G technology.
  • Diana Rohlman Assist Prof Senior Research at OSU: West Eugene Air Toxics Exposure Study; Community-based project in collaboration with Beyond Toxics to measure air toxic exposures in a predominantly low income, Hispanic community that is located in close proximity to many industrial air pollution sources.
  • Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg Professor at UO: Missing links in characterization of viral aerosols and indoor transmission risks; Characterize viral aerosol indoor transmission risks as a timely response to improve understanding of ventilation and other built environmental factors to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the indoor environment.